Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What I'm Listening To: The Greatest of All Fight Songs, The Notre Dame Victory March!

It's the fight song with the most notes (different pitches, use of chromaticism, and let's be honest, the piccolo part has lots of sixteenths) and one of the most recognized pieces of music.  You may hate it, you may love it, but you can't deny knowing it.  It is unique and no other school can claim it as theirs.

The Notre Dame Victory March stands out as one of the most profound fight songs - I will battle anyone on this.

The chorus of the song is one of the most recognizable collegiate fight songs in the United States, and was ranked first among fight songs by Northern Illinois University Professor William Studwell, who remarked it was "more borrowed, more famous and, frankly, you just hear it more."[1] The eminent college football analyst and historian Beano Cook ranked the Victory March "the fourth most well-known song in the country, behind only 'The Star-Spangled Banner,' 'Happy Birthday' and 'White Christmas'."

Bam! You just got Wikipedia quoted!

Anyway, I spent four amazing years at ND, spent three of my years in the student section cheering on the Irish, (although, perhaps our football team hasn't been quite so remarkably epic in the past decades as the fight song) and I continue to bleed (a lot...sadly) blue and gold!

So, go ahead and compare the fight songs I recovered from my flip book from college.

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