I also had a lot of fun making a flute lamp out of my aunt's old, run-down beginner flute. My dad (and mom) came to visit a couple weekends ago and on a whim I decided it was time to turn that unplayable flute into something useful! With my dad's help, it was surprisingly easy to make the flute into a lamp. A flute is already hollow and the circumference works perfectly with the light bulb and lamp kit. The most difficult aspect of constructing the lamp was finding a lamp base and then, once I found one, weighing the lamp down because the base was hollow and the flute is, of course, top heavy. It was a fun project to do with my dad and every time I sit at my desk, I smile because it is just so awesome and beautiful.

Leaving my nerdiness behind, I finally got around to planning and organizing the first annual Crecelius Flute Studio Recital! My students will be sharing the stage with the students of Katie Smyth Flute Studio; this is Smyth Flute Studio's first recital as well. I've got the programs printed, the venue secured, and my music in order. It will be a wonderful afternoon of flute solos, duets, and a quartet. It is my hope that this will be an annual tradition. I remember playing in my Jr. High/High School flute and clarinet lesson teachers' studio recitals growing up. It was fun to have the opportunity to perform for my parents and I, as a music educator, believe it is important for my students to have the same opportunity. Not only is it fun and makes parents happy because they get to hear their children play, but if my students continue to play music through high school or even go on to major in music, they will need to develop a stage presence and become accustomed to playing solos in front of people. And obviously I hope that my students will, at least, play through high school. I cannot wait for Saturday!
These are but a few things that have been happening in Crecelius Flute Studio - I love being busy. In the near future, I hope to give a recital of my own. It has been far too long since I gave a solo recital. I have some pieces in mind, but I am definitely open to suggestions. Sometimes, I think it is easier to just have someone tell me what to play. Ah, the pains of not being in school anymore! I also plan to be better about blogging again. I would blame how busy I have been, but I really need to be more committed. I have a few ideas for upcoming blogs and I hope to have exciting experiences this summer to inspire me!